Pizza Boxes Logo

Sep 15, 2024 | News

Pizza Box Bali is a key component in the creation of containers for serving and delivering pizza. There are several types of paper commonly used in the manufacture of Pizza Box Bali, each with its unique characteristics.

Types of paper used by Yumico Bali

Cardboard Paper: This is the most common type of paper used to make pizza boxes. Cardboard paper has enough thickness to provide strength and protection to the pizza. It can also be printed with various designs and logos for branding.

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Liner Paper: Liner paper is a type of paper used to line the inside of a pizza box. This paper is usually coated with non-stick material to prevent the pizza toppings from sticking to the paper. It also helps maintain the quality of the pizza and keeps the box clean.

Corrugated Paper: Used in some pizza boxes, corrugated paper provides extra durability and protection during shipping. The corrugated layer gives the box resistance to shock and pressure.

Kraft Paper: Kraft paper is a thick and strong paper that is often used in eco-friendly pizza boxes. It is derived from natural materials and is often recycled, making it a more sustainable option.

Recycled Paper: Recycled paper is used to support eco-friendly efforts. By processing existing paper, it helps reduce the use of new raw materials.

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Greaseproof Paper: Greaseproof paper is a type of paper that is resistant to oil and grease. It is very useful to prevent the paper from becoming damp by grease from pizza, maintaining the dryness and quality of the box.

Coated Paper: Coated paper is paper that has a protective coating on it. This makes it more resistant to moisture and can give it a better look.

Right Choice for you!

The choice of pizza box paper type should consider factors such as the type of pizza to be served, delivery distance, and branding purpose. In all cases, the quality of the paper is crucial to ensure the pizza stays fresh and performs well when received by the customer.

Yumico Bali

📌WA/Call :

📌Location :
Jl. Sekar Tunjung XIV No.11a, Kesiman Kertalangu, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80237

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