Types of Pizza Box Paper

Sep 15, 2024 | News

Pizza box paper are special containers designed to pack and carry pizza safely and conveniently. This container is made of cardboard or thick paper that can protect pizza from damage during delivery, storage, or when taken home by customers. Pizza boxes have a square or rectangular shape with a foldable lid and are sometimes equipped with small ventilation holes to avoid the collection of hot steam that can damage the quality of the pizza.

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Varied and various sizes

Pizza box sizes vary depending on the type and number of pizza slices you want to pack. As a general example, pizza boxes are often available in several standard sizes that are most commonly used to package pizza:

Small Size (Smallest)

Usually has dimensions of about 8-10 inches in length and width. Suitable for personal pizzas or small pizzas with 4-6 slices.

Medium Size

This size has dimensions of about 12-14 inches in length and width. Suitable for medium pizzas with around 6-8 slices.

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Large Size (Most Common)

This size has dimensions of about 14-16 inches in length and width. Suitable for a large pizza with 8-12 slices.

Extra Large Size

This size has dimensions of more than 16 inches in length and width. Suitable for large pizzas with more than 12 slices. However, in addition to these standard sizes, some stores may offer special sizes or sizes that can be customized as per customer

When choosing a pizza box size, it is important to consider the size of the pizza you are offering, so that the pizza remains safe and secure during delivery or takeaway by the customer.

The right choice for you!

Of course, the existence of pizza boxes that have various sizes helps customers get options that suit their tastes and needs. By choosing the right size, you can ensure that your pizza stays fresh, safe, and ready to be enjoyed by your customers.

Yumico Bali

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Jl. Sekar Tunjung XIV No.11a, Kesiman Kertalangu, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80237

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