Types of Paper Lunch Boxes

Sep 22, 2024 | News

Paper Lunch Canggu is a type of packaging made of paper and is usually used to wrap food such as boxed rice, sandwiches, and other dishes. There are several different types of paper lunch boxes and each has its own advantages and uses.

Types of paper lunch boxes that yumico summarizes

Box-shaped lunch box

This type is the most commonly used. Box lunch boxes come in several sizes, from small to large, depending on your needs. In addition, box lunch boxes can also be equipped with various additional features such as compartments and strainers to place a variety of foods.

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Bowl-shaped lunch box

This type of lunch box is generally used for mixed foods such as mixed rice or porridge. With its deeper shape, the bowl lunch box can hold more food and has a tight lid so that it does not spill easily.

Lunch box with transparent lid

This lunch box is perfect for food that needs to be displayed clearly. The transparent lid on the lunch box can make it easier for consumers to see the food inside before buying.

Heat-resistant lunch box

This type of lunch box is equipped with a special layer that can withstand heat so it is suitable for hot food such as boxed rice and other dishes.

Also Read: Pizza Boxes Logo

Eco-friendly lunch box

With more and more people concerned about the environment, eco-friendly lunch boxes are becoming increasingly popular. These lunch boxes are made from recyclable materials such as recycled paper or plant fibers.

The conclusion is!

paper lunch boxes have various types that can be adjusted to the needs and types of food that will be sold. In addition, the advantages of using paper lunch boxes are that they are easy to recycle, cost-effective, and can attract customers’ attention with attractive designs.

Yumico Bali

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Jl. Sekar Tunjung XIV No.11a, Kesiman Kertalangu, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80237

Also Read: Types of Pizza Box Paper

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