Paper Bowl Canggu

Mei 25, 2024 | News

Heat-resistant paper bowls have become one of the most popular packaging options due to their practicality and ease of use. In addition, paper bowls also have the advantage of heat resistance. Unlike plastic containers that easily soften or break when exposed to heat, paper bowls can withstand the heat of food for a longer time.

Bowl selection as needed

To maintain food safety and quality, it is important to choose heat-resistant paper bowls. Typically, paper bowls are made of multiple layers of material, including a waterproof outer paper layer and a heat-resistant inner layer. This ensures that the food served remains warm and does not pose a health hazard to consumers.

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Paper bowls are available in various sizes and designs that can be adjusted to the type of food to be served. For food entrepreneurs, using paper bowls can help facilitate the serving and packaging process, as well as provide assurance of the safety and quality of food served to consumers.

Are these paper bowls heat-resistant?

In the context of a food business, paper bowls are very suitable for serving hot food such as meatballs, chicken noodles, meatball noodles, soup, and the like. The advantage of paper bowls is that the food served can last longer, and consumers can enjoy it without worrying about damaging the container or burning it.

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Thus, choosing the right paper bowl can help improve service quality and strengthen the image of the food business. In addition, the use of paper bowls can also provide added value in terms of convenience, safety, and practicality in packaging and serving food.

Yumico Bali

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Jl. Sekar Tunjung XIV No.11a, Kesiman Kertalangu, Kec. Denpasar Tim., Kota Denpasar, Bali 80237

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