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About Us

Based in Denpasar Bali, Yumico has been providing innovative solutions regarding food and beverage packaging supplies to its valued customers since 1996. The reason Yumico has survived for 28 years in the food and packaging industry is due to our repeat customers who can testify about the high quality products and services we provide. We prioritise our customer satisfaction by always innovating, providing a wide selection of quality food and beverage packaging and logo printing with the best quality, competitive prices and affordable minimum orders.

It’s no longer enough for a business to focus solely on profit. We need to try to make a positive impact on the world by replacing styrofoam and conventional plastic packaging with more environmentally friendly packaging such as paper, oxo bio-degradable plastic, bagasse, pla/corn starch.


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We understand the value of branding and are committed to being a market responsive company, delivering a wide range of innovative quality disposable food packaging products and providing excellent customer service. It is important to us that we should grow with all our customers while providing them with the right disposable food and drink packaging solutions


To provide innovative packaging solutions of the highest quality at competitive prices.


To constantly try to improve our services because customer satisfaction is our priority in everything we do.

Review by google

  • Produk yang ditawarkan bagus-bagus juga eco friendly dan harganya sangat terjangkau

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    12_LeniLestari_057 Avatar 12_LeniLestari_057
  • Kualitas produk bagus tempat nyaman dan banyak pilihan packaging yg menarik😍

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    Fhirma Yanti Avatar Fhirma Yanti
  • Kualitas barangnnya keren2 bangett

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    Wisnu Juniarta Avatar Wisnu Juniarta
  • Gampang belanja di Yumico karena sudah ada online catalognya, mau belanja tinggal transfer dan barang bisa dikirim via gojek atau ikut delivery mereka. Pelayanan ramah, pilihan kemasan lengkap dan kalau mau logo di kemasannya juga rapi dan cepat. Pokoknya rekomended deh beli kemasan di Yumico

    Tambuaga Surya Avatar Tambuaga Surya
  • tempatnya nyaman,pekerjanya ramah dan membantu,barang2 yg saya cari semua ternyata ada disini semua dan murah,tempat nyari amenities yg terbaik ,lengkap dan harga yg sangat murah

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    Mochammad Fajar Subchan Avatar Mochammad Fajar Subchan
  • Pertama kali datang rungan kantor yg nyaman, staff yg ramah serta produk yg dijual sangat lengkap. Pelayanan sangat memuaskan dan baik utk menjelaskan detail produk. sukses sll Yumico 🙏🙏

    Rossellini Junita Avatar Rossellini Junita
  • Baru tau ada tempat yang lengkap gini. Awalnya bingung mau cari papercup yang isi gagang nya, setelah searching di ggogle map ketemu tempat ini. Walaupun keliatannya kecil ternyata Yumico punya barang yang lengkap sekali. Walaupun awalnya bingung gedungnya dimana tapi untung ada plangnya jadi gak susah lagi nyarinya. Pelayanannya juga sabgat ramah dna harganya sangat terjangkau. Bakalan jadi langganan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan alat2 yang bisa mengurangi penggunaan plastik

    Egar Prihandana Avatar Egar Prihandana
  • Really impressed by Yumico’s wide product range of packaging and supplies available. It’s great that Yumico has a special focus on biodegadable and environmentally friendly products. A real plus for the Bali environment. Greatly admired the new building, modern office, wide range of products, readily available supply, and the great team of people working at Yumico. The website is also excellent and is a great show case for all Yumico’s products.

    Jeff B Avatar Jeff B
  • Great place for f&b industry

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    Yohanes Paulus Avatar Yohanes Paulus
  • The products at yumico are always of high quality and the service is always great. It's the oldest packaging company in Bali. That's because of there continued high standards. They also offer branding/logo for packaging. I've always looked for reliability, good service and great products. I can always get that at yumico

    Mark Barnden Avatar Mark Barnden